About Us

I Mrs Hema Bhosale most heartily welcome you to Maratha Vivah. I am a native of Khandesh (Dhulia). I am the grand daughter of Padmashree Karmaveer Dadasaheb Ghogre & Daughter of Justice Shivajirao Ghogre. Both my father & grand father were very brave & both love social service for them "Service to Man & Service to god" & this approach was the fountain of inspiration for me. This motivated me to work for the betterment of humanity.

In 1972 I came to Kolhapur after my marriage. The work of match making started from the place were my father in law resided. I took initiative in getting my younger brother in law & my sister in law married. Since then it has been a true beginning for my matrimonial Service. "Hematai my son is of marriageable age, please find him a good, suitable girl or my daughter is of marriageable age, please find her a well-settled boy." Such were the request for parents because of which I started match making and only through this motivation and ardent desire marriages were arrange & overall effect of that was people in the city and near by villages started talking about this.

In present times match making has become a very difficult task due to orthodox thoughts & certain superstitions in the minds of the people though we are the citizen of the modern & scientific age certain blind believes rule the minds of the people eg: Horoscope , History of dynasty, influence of mars etc. In the present times, Since the girls & boys are very well educated, their exceptions from their parents are rising naturally high. With this noble view every month I Organize a camp of prospective brides & groom in different cities to give them proper guidance.

I feel very happy & say very proudly that this plant of Maratha Vivah after 20 years is growing in to huge banyan tree. At present I have thousands of proposals of boys & girls which included proposal even from NRIʹS & higher educated girls & boys.

I have my own website for this noble cause which is updated & number of proposal is increasing day by day.

Please tell us what you feel about our website (www.marathavivah.com ) If you need certain improvements in it, then please let us know. your views & suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you.

- Mrs. Hema Bhosale

About the website...

We started our website marathavivah.com because of a huge demand from our national and international members. Through this website you can get access to all the proposals of our members from anywhere around the world. So you can register your name on our website. Because of this you can surely save your time and money. On the website you will find names of all our members along with their education and photos which will give you primary information about the proposals.

I you want to register your name on our website your will have to pay the registration charges. After your name is registered, the primary inforamtion along with the photo of the proposal is kept on our website you will receive a registration number from our center. This registration number is very important, as all office work is carried out with this registration number. We do not display address and phone numbers of our members on our website, but you can easily obtain them through phone, and email paying the communication charges through our nearest office or on line. If you have any problem about any proposal, please call us at our office during the office hours (10:00 am - 2:00 pm. and 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
Please let us know your view and opinions about our website.