Education: M.C.A City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 800000/- Marital Status: Divorced Occupation: Service Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Thombare, Katakar, Gujar, Nalavade, Bhoi, Apate Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Well Educated, Well Cultured, Well Settled, Smart
Education: M.A. City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 600000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Business Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Shaha, Gandhi, Gujar, Rajput, Kadam Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Any Graduate , Post Graduate , Well Cultured , Smart.
Education: M.Com and Company Secretary City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 600000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Own Business Native Place: Goa Relatives: Kadane , Karekar , Pednekar , Kudale , Malvankar , Bhurke Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Any Graduate , Post Graduate , Well Cultured , Smart.
Education: M.S. City: Satara Annual Income [INR]: 5000000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Service In Sweden. (Area Manager) Native Place: Satara Relatives: Gaikwad , Shinde , Jadhav , Raut Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Ready To Move In Anathor Country (sweden) , Education Of Master Or Bachelor In Computer Science , Service Or Software Enngi. , Motivated To Work Or coutinue Educated PH.D , Well Cultured , Smart.
Education: , M.Com City: Vengurla Annual Income [INR]: 3000000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Business Native Place: Vengurla Relatives: - Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Well Educated , Well Cultured , Smart.