Education: B.Tech - Mechanical Engineer, 3 Year Diploma In Automobile City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 2000000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Factory Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Jagdale, Kupate, Halde, Patil, Bhosale Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Prefer House Wife, Live In Joint Family
Education: Diploma In Optice Technician City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 1500000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Business - Optical & Anuyash Medical Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Sawant , Patil , Ingavale , Kore , Budake , Tawade Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any 12 th Science pass , Graduate , Post Graduate , Anurup
Education: DIploma in Computer Engineer City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 3000000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Business - Car Accessories ( Hira Motors) - Owner Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Dhage , Talekar Salokhe , Chavan Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Beautiful And Well Educated
Education: B.E (IT) City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: 1300000/- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Software EngineerAt Flipkart Banglore Native Place: Kolhapur Relatives: Chavan, Palkar, Kharade, Khot, Patil Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any B.E., M.Tech., B.Tech, Well Cultured ,Smart
Education: MBA L.L.B City: Kolhapur Annual Income [INR]: -- Marital Status: Never Married Occupation: Service In Senior HR Executive At Vedant Equip Sales And Pvt. Ltd. Pune Native Place: Gadhinglaj Relatives: Waigade, Jadhav, Redekar, Devarde, Patil, Karvade Expectations: Education-Any, Occupation- Any Well Educated Smart.